Friday, August 25, 2006
today super fun.. finally got everything up.. finally.. hehe.. its like.. i made all e performers come.. hah. it wasnt me actually but yar.. we did it.. heh.anway... today was super fun.. cox had e emcees n perfomers ready..super super happy.. but yar.. its at e expence of me registering for my bike license... aiyoh.. but still overall.. proud wif e progrmme.. heh..
peace out
lianA shortz
Posted by LiL'shorTY at 8:30 AM
Sunday, August 20, 2006
hEE..SupeR SUNdaY,, so many wonderful things happened.. was so happy.. ermm.. get to know someone better i guess.. hehhee... and yar.. get to witness my cousins first few steps without needing to hold on to anyhthing.. wee.. i caught it in my phone.. cute ar this one apple of my eye.. hehe.. well about a fren.. funny.. actually layan me today.. my nonsence sms.. it was funny n i cant believe that the person actually opened up to me... wee.. haha.. go wif e flow.. and yar.. saturday was also superfun... i like e new casting.. weee.. wink wink.. hee.. well skq n me had this evil thinking... hehhe.. i pity tze who was interrogated by e scs who were present.. hee.. sorry yar.. jk only.. hehe..
well so to sum it all.. weekened is a bomb. except e last part where yar.. unknown stranger called me.. shitty.. but heck.. haa..many other things to drool abt.. hehe so yar gtg.,.
PeacE oUt..
LianA ShortZ..
Posted by LiL'shorTY at 9:16 AM
Saturday, August 19, 2006
hehe..caMwhorinG part 3??

wee....heH... picture paints a thousand words...
Posted by LiL'shorTY at 9:25 AM
HaH.. Us.. agaIN..

hAh.. some of e sC ladiEs thaT makEs scs glaM..haH..
Posted by LiL'shorTY at 9:15 AM

wee... More caM whorinG..
Posted by LiL'shorTY at 9:03 AM
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Happy Happy day..
wee.. todays extremely happy day.. why?.. cox we had aces day thingy going on.. hee.. well had loads of great fun.. anD yar.. today also i met mr carrot.. heh.. mr carrot is a visitor in my school for this two days.. hehe.. he's so cute can?... hehe.. well.. anyway i caught him looking at me when we were suppose to have e meeting after morning assembly.. ehe.. mr blue eyed... mr carrot.. he's mine alright?.. hehhe.. well.. more happy days to come.. hehe...
PeacE ouT..
lianA shoRTz...
Posted by LiL'shorTY at 6:10 AM
Sunday, August 13, 2006
i am so over feeling blue.. crying over you.. said i am so sick of love songs so tired of tears .. these lyrics from ne-yo's so sick realy means a lot to me.. It gives me the strength to go on wif life although i feel stupid ending up in the same situation two times in a row.. so yeah.. i learn form mistakes and go wif the flow.. and from now on.. i declare myself to be happy wif whatever that is happening.. No more feeling blues and thinking too much.. all these are a waste of time.. After consulting my dearies... i belive that all this is a mistake and shud be forgotten.. so.. dear allah.. please give me strength to learn n move on..Amin..
Peace oUt..
LianA shoRtz
Posted by LiL'shorTY at 9:00 AM
ppl say i shud not have given up so easily.. but how not to?.. i mean.. ya.. i heard abt stories.. i dunno whether to belive them or not.. and words.. its so the opposite of what i heard.. yar... remishing over what happened on the weekend.. i dunno whether to trust it.. or do i have to take it with a pinch of salt?..aiyoh.. sick of guessing.. tired of wondering..
PeacE ouT..
LianA shoRtz
Posted by LiL'shorTY at 4:36 AM
Saturday, August 12, 2006
WaLK awAy
i WALked away.. i turned back.. but decided to just leave.. i feLt miserable while leaving..thats what i felt just now.. someone said that it was so obvious that i was avoiding .. but it seems to me its the other way round.. so heck.... decided to post all e photos to forget about what has happened as somehow happy memories are relinguished by these photos... happy sC times..
PeacE ouT..
Liana shoRtz
Posted by LiL'shorTY at 2:34 AM
Her On ndP

SO.. These are heR style ON ndP.. AfteR school outIng wiF cousiNs, AuntY, Uncle anD grannIes
Posted by LiL'shorTY at 2:30 AM
NdP.. paRT 3..

NdP caM whorinG parT3.. hehehee
Posted by LiL'shorTY at 2:24 AM
NDp paRT 2

NdP CaM whorIng sessIOn paRT2
Posted by LiL'shorTY at 2:17 AM
NdP 2006- Cam whOrinG.. likE yeaH!!

NdP cam WhorinG sessiON paRT1
Posted by LiL'shorTY at 2:07 AM
Thursday, August 10, 2006
feeling all blue.. i give up.. shall move on and forget abt everything.. hehhee.. but i hope it doesnt come back to haunt me.. the crazy feeling i once had. well..-
above them all
peace ouT..
LianA shoRtz...
Posted by LiL'shorTY at 8:10 AM
Sunday, August 06, 2006
FeeLinG aLL DowN..
FeelinG all lousy.. no use trying to figure out the mentality of duh.. why issit that he can easily melt me without him having any feelings?.. how come??... oh well.. perhaps.. its just that all the signs ARE MISread.. what if he is already someone's.. den i wonT want to interfere right?.. Haix.. life is full of these type of things.. There always opportunity cost as u cant have all e best things in the world..
Posted by LiL'shorTY at 3:44 AM