Wednesday, November 22, 2006
lost.. drowned..
well.. its been a while since i last blogged.. haha.. been reading my blog but not updating it.. maybe cox i have no moood to do so..
thse few days.. i am in no mood for ANYTHING
no mood to study..
no mood to work..
no mood to attend school..
i just wanna SLACK!!!...
haix.. well.. well.. wonder wad's wrong.. hmm
anyway.. lets stop being all so blue... i shall share some joys of my life.. at least for now.. hmm.. let me feel happy.. ahhaa..
abt the happy thingy..
watched step up.. with a speacial someone.. ahhaa..make a guess....
wif my cousin lah.. ahhaa.. i bet most of you got it wrong.. anyway.. STEP UP is a nice movie uh.. i like.. its nice having a guy like TYLER.. nice guy.. who is not so enthusiastic but is willing to fight for wad he wants in the end... and he's handsome.. ahaha...i like.. ahhaa.. well.. it was a blast going out wif cousin.. though she pang sei me and said she knock off at 230 wen she actually stop at 245 nearing 3.. imagine e agony of waiting..but heck.. went home in 174 and den slept..
next happy thing was my bike prac.. heh.. well.. i was taking my prac lesson alone .. i mean without iqa.. at first i tot a girl was in e grp den i found out that she was not.. so i was e only girl.. there were four other guys wif me.. i was feeling a lil nervous cox i am afraid that the guys will over shadow me..but i just told myself..i can do this.. den i had some difficulty wif my bike cox it was not warmed up.. that adds to me feeling a lil scarred and i toti was going to fail cox i opened the throttle too much at one point of time without realising that i have just click down to a gear lower.. so the loud sound came.. haix.. den i also wobbled.. so i tot i was gonna fail.. again.. hmm.. but wad surprised me was the smooth stopping.. and i was actually able to do the low speed control... the instructor was impressed wif me.. but i still dint had the confidence.. the lesson end and i waited for my book in nervous.. b4 he gave out..he said.. well... only 1 of u manage to pass an will book the next stage.. i felt low.. i had this feeling that it was gonna be a guy.. hmm.. den he gave out my book... i opened it.. and.. and.. WEE... I PASSED.. ahaha.. i was so happy.. n i am so excited to go on nxt stage.. bile nak book iqa?.. i cant wait... shud i book first?..
anyway... i tink.. dreams are meant to be just dreams.. i guess.... its never meant to be.. i read things.. i am affected.. but.. i dunno why.. aiyah.. i am lost.. and drowning.. i guess i lost it all when.. haix.. nvm..
peace Out
LianA kiLled heR totS at 2320pm..
Posted by LiL'shorTY at 6:53 AM
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
weee... today had loads of fun.. official day out with my two dearies... FINALLY A BREAK FROM PW..i didnt know that i will feel so free unlike my other frens who feel weird.. maybe cox we were pushed hard.. ahha.. its ok fellow frens.. u will get over it.. hmm.. Today was fun wif Ms N and Ms M.. ahaha.. wee.. the first thing we did was to go to the loo.. ahhaa.. we went to VIVO CITY... the first thign we did was to go to the loo... Ms N complained that we were not there for the loos but to shop.. but i cant help it.. i had quite a bad hair day lah darling... next went to candy empire... wee.. chocolate heacens... i was tempted to grab the willy wonka chocolate bar.. but decided not to in e end.. ahaha... cox too much chocholate is not good for my health...bluek... the next shop that we went to was the forvever21 shop.. wee.. boi.. we look great in those shirts found in the shop.. took a photo of me wearing one of their shirt.. but decided not to pose it.. extreme.. haha.. bluek... then we went ard and Ms M brought us to the roof top.. ahah.. weee.. had some cam whoring sessions there.. though i din had the urge to take pictures.. but i guess it would afterall be fun to pose ard the weird places.. aaahaha.. waiting for Ms N to pass me the pictures and i will upload soon.. ahhaa... we had so much fun.. after that.. we became tired and decided to stop over at long john for a lunch... haha.. we met Ms D.. how coincidental.. she was with her sister and cousin i tink. weee..den off we go to window shop again...even stoping at toys r us.. ahhaa.. bluek... and we were shy to ask if they got any vacancies though we wanted to work.. ahhaa.. aiyoh..want to work but shy to ask.. wad nonsence... ahaha.. den decided to sit down at BEN N JERRY'S..

As you can see, we did cam whoring session after buying our ice cream.. wohoo.. haha...we ate funnily named ice cream.. butit was cool.. Ms M was interested in the ice cream wif fish in it... but decided to play safe and went for banana instead.. wee...i love the two phrase.. ahhaa.. sounds so.. nice.. ahha.. wadever.. den went to find job at cinema but decided to shelf the idea away since i have to commit to scs and school first.. hmm.. ahhaa.. den I BOUGHT HADY MIRZA'S FIRST ALBUM.. wee.. Ms N and Ms M was surprised wen i took the cd to the counter.. weee they didnt expect me to buy it.. but i did.. ahhaa
overall.. today was one fun day.. ahhaa.. wen is the next time yar darling?.. how abt including the other two sugar?.. ahhaa... bluek..
oh yar..another clue abt him.. HIS CCA HAS GOT TO DO WIF BALLS.. HOCKEY SOCCER BASKETBALL BOWLING OR RUGBY.. ahaha.. ok.. dun say i din say abt him ok?.. ahha
Peace OUt
LianA kiLLed Her toTs aT 1010pM..
Posted by LiL'shorTY at 5:49 AM
Saturday, November 11, 2006
UpdatEs pleaSe..
hmm.. well this month been a busy month.. ahaaa.. so many things to talk abt.. so.. lets get organised and talk abt one thing at a time..
hmm.. did i mentioned that the four sweeties went to eat swenson wif me on the last day of school? we did... it was fun.. and wacky as usual...wad's not happening wen the five ppl sit down for a talk?.. ahha..over delicious lunch somemore.. it was a superb ending to the term... wee... nice nice... we'll do again.. well... zinGdo will be the next restaurant k ladies?...
next...abt jalan raye.. hmm.. this part will be divided into four... at the moment .. more to come soon...
part 1 ( family)well family jln raye.. was usually as kecoh.. but this time more ppl could join.. because we have an additional car.. hurray.. so this year.. no longer separated form my dear cousin farhanah... wee... so it was kinda fun.. with the lil ones to torture... ahaha.. i really had a fun time.. wee.. and i cnt forget the time wen amirah cried cox farhanah scolded her.. ahhaa.. wee.. dn get too upset yar small girl.. farhanah is just jokoing.. weee... took loads of pictures.. cam whores uh me n my cousins.. ahah.. overall rating.. 5/5
part 2 ( class)well class raye outing was laos fun.. wee.. cox this yr.. 16 of us were present.. hurray.. ahaha.. we even had our very own mat noh and sanjay to drive us ard in the two eight seater car.. weee.... had loads of fun.. it was one of the days wen i experinece things that i dun in class.. like i got to know how some ppl would be fun to hang out wif if they were not stuck up.. ahha.. no explanation needed aiight...wee.. and this was they day wen the three aisyas unite.. aisah aisyah and aisha came for this raye outing so wen we called em like most of the tym the three aisyas will response.. and nurus dear wore e same shoe as aisah dear.. ahaha.. wee.. great mind thinks alike right?.. ahaha overall rating.. 5/5
part 3 (primary)hmm primary school rating.. one of the smaller grp outing.. wee.. but we still had fun.. and was still kecohrable(is there such a word?) we also teased khairulidham and sahidah... wee.. the almost going to be couple or already a couple?.. hmm.. for ppl to figure out... aminu and izzah were also not spared... so.. on that day... they were six of us.. me syafiq izzah aminu sahidah and khairul... weee... hmm.. overall rating... 5/5
part 4 (scs)wee... the day started out ok wif me nilam and asri waiting for nani sadiq nadia and salleh... we went to siti's first.. wee.. i like her hse.. so nice.. hmm especially the balcony... the scenery is so amazing.. i like.. haha.. den after ct's we went to salleh's... sat for a while... and i like the drink (is it a drink?) that his mom served.. after dat to my house and they had mee rebus.. haha.. following which to nani's.. i love the chicken.. and last the nadia.. was tiring but fun.. first to separate from the grp was ct cox her parents fetched her from jp.. next was nadia cox obviously.. her hse was e last.. ahhaa.. next was nilam asri and adibah.. they took 171 frm the opposite bus stop... den it was left wif me nani sadiq and salleh.. poor nani and sadiq.. they walked all the way to the interchange wen their bus actually stops at the bus stop me n salleh were at.. so me and salleh waited for the bus for quite long i guess, ( i tink cox we were too tired).. and finally bus 187 came.. we took the bus.. and off i went home... (thanks for taking the bus 187 wif me salleh.. really appreciate it though u slept the whole journey..hehhe..)... so.. overall rating.. 5/5
wee.. so there goes the raye part.. hmm.. it seems that all raya outings are fun.. judging from my ratings.. it seems that all scored full marks...
next.. my bike prac.. my depressing bike pracs.. two sentence to explain it all k?.. i leave u to guess... or u can read my tag...
so...i ran out of words... better stop before i start typing nonsence here...
peace oUt
LianA KiLLeD HEr TOts aT 1202pM
Posted by LiL'shorTY at 7:38 AM
Saturday, November 04, 2006
haha.. nice one
name: emielliana mira
what do i wish people to call me: emie?.. mira?.. liana?.. anything..
do i like someone now: yes
is your feelings reciprocated by him: how would i know?...
ok.. but now u can!girls, women and ladies..this is how u can get to know whether thi guy likes u.. or for any guy that is..SO HEADS UP!
1) naturally, a guy's body will be facing or be directed towards a girl he likes.
2)when sitting next to a female a man finds attractive he will cross his legs, ankles,or even hands towards the one he likes. so if you're sitting on his left and he puts his right hand on top of his left hand, his hand is indirectly pointing to you.
3)mimic.. eg u lean forward and a few moments later he leans forward4)he remembers little things u mention in conversation..
5)his voice changes when he talks to u in a group. he may say "hey" to everyone with u, but the "hey" to u is a lil different.6)sometimes he stares straight into ur eyes..want more?? try it out to ur crush..
see whether these little things work.. if it does.. u're one lucky girl.. be sure to tell me abt ur stories aite.. tag la!!
ahhaa.. i found tis in ct soul blog.. and i find it interesting.. so i shall share it.. AHAHAH
peacE Out..
Liana kiLLed heR tots At 2.36pm
Posted by LiL'shorTY at 10:39 PM