Saturday, January 27, 2007
editted...oh well.. so many things have been heard and said.. i am just totally confused... hmm...i also read stuff.. so yar.. i tink i know wad is going on.. i tink i believe that... hmm.. well... the world is indeed cruel... so.. hmmm... second time that i might be in the same situation but no worries i am such a patient person... yes.. i shall just forget about everything...
anyhows... had my class outing.. a4 rocks man... i believe in evry single one of u for good reults in common test n as... weehehhe.. we rock e siloso beach yesterday.. played bayak house n captain ball.. weehehe..
peacE ouT
lianA kiLLed hErself @ 1121 pm..
Posted by LiL'shorTY at 7:17 AM
Thursday, January 25, 2007
a nice short post.. wehehehehe.. schools been tiring me out.. lately i find that i need more rest and i might just take an mc or two to just relaxs the overworked body n mind of mine.. hmm.. ya.. well.. had hockey yesterday n we had to run e field for quite a ditance (more than 2.4km).. but i ma not complaining.. its afterall abt our physique.. need to be ready physically and always on the go..hmm.. we also had our elction of e captains.. aiyoh.. the girls result still not out because of us lah.. aiyoh.. hmm.. well.. i hope that this will not affect our next training.. hopefully eveybody will chill down n be happy for the next training which is tomorrow.. ehhee...
hmm just now had luch wif the arfie sakq and salleh.. ahhaa.. it was short n nice.. aahhaa... arfie n skq bully salleh at my expense.. ahaha.. nvm.. its ok.. haha.. there is a next time for me to partner wif arfie to disturb salleh even more.. ahaha.. so far the score is still 2-0.. ahaha.. come on lah.. u slow uh salleh.. ahhaa...
hmmm why is it that she knows a lot of things?.. its scray lah can?... hehhee...
ahhaa... i'll leave u readers at that.. for now.. gtg
LianA kiLLed herSElf aT 1002Pm...
Posted by LiL'shorTY at 5:41 AM
Sunday, January 21, 2007
untilted post
hey ho.... wee... i had e most tiring weekend ever.. lets start bt talking abt yesterday... hmm... had to do duty for pre u 1 meet e parents session.. it was fun.. cox other than doing my duty.. i was busy disturbing salleh wif my partner in crime arfie.. ehhee.. had so much fun seeing him blush.. hehe.. oh wells.. after e duty we had to attend debrief which was only for a short while.. it was a simple n quick debrief... after that the 3rds scs left e room for e 4th to continue their meeting wif the dearest teachers.. hehe.. so.. we were slacking in e senate and e day proved to be super tiring for none other than salleh.. ahaha.. we manage to take snaps of him n i happen to want to show tis one.. ehhee.. (*ps we 'tease' u for two times but u still havent get ur revenge... hehee.. )

some of the third scs who were present for e pre u 1 meet e parents sessions.. i have other photos but its too much to upload.. we were a bunch of camwhores after our duties..

The day ended wif me meeting my cousins n aunty n grannies.. met at suntec swenson n had a nice meal.. wee.. wad was super sweet was that my cousin payed e meal.. wee.. thanks ya darling.. heheh... after the meal.. we walked to marina n she shopped somemore.. of course lah.. ppl work alreday wad.. get money.. can shop lah.. ahahhaa... wee.. aftter we all got tired.. we sat down n just talked. went home ard 9.. took a cab to her hse to get her stuff since she was staying over...had fun.. n i didnt sleep till it was four.. wehee... nice uh.. we were talking crap lah.. like wad other girls will do... talk abt ppl.. our experience.. ehhe.. den we only woke up at 11.. ahhaa.. bums.. ahaha..
me b4 e swenson meal.. i was tired after the duty.. ehhee..

PeacE Out
liana killed herself at 641pm
Posted by LiL'shorTY at 2:27 AM
Friday, January 19, 2007
think abt it...
weee.. life... its funny when karma hits u... i mean... hmm.. the possibility that wad ever u said abt ppl will get back at you is high.. a very classic eg.. mdm was sitting down drinking at a fast food chain.. she start to make a comment on this guy who didnt button his shirt properly.. den e next ting she knew was tat when she was trying on a shirt in a popular fashion shop, she din button properly.. see wad i mean?.. hmm.. karma.. wad an interesting subject.. ahhaha..
well.. lets get on wif my life.. hmmm.. very interesting things happening around me.. well... as usual.. lets get organise... ehhehe
hmm.. to start off.. i love gp lessons.. hahaha.. e first time i feel that gp is not a boring subject.. well.. maybe its because e teacher is such a humorous yet serious and he knows how to get e attention of e students.. just like my econs teacher... hmmm... i bet most of us are happy wif the style of learning gp.. wee.... ahaha.. the next thing would be abt e class politics... weee... i guess we have all become closer in one way or another.... i mean... e class outing that is going to be held at sentosa would be a blast... hehe.. wif nice classmates who is now much more bonded than ever... 05a4 rock my SiLLy shortz... hhhahaha.. weeehehee....
aiyoh... my life officially revolves ard school... i know that is damn sad lah.. but but... in a way i am loving e way life is... ehhee... hmmm... also... also... abt hockey.... hmm.. at first e training were only attended by a few and it was quite disturbing cox a div is coming... hmm... and as e weeks past.. slowly e team grows..last wednesday saw e coming of 15 or 16 hockey girls which was a nice thing and it didnt feel tired when u see that evreybody else is putting in as much effort as you are... wee... and then and then... we had this friedly match against cresent girls... we played well.. and evrybody deserve a round of a plause...weeee... great job girls.. we pulled tru n will definately grow together.. ok?... and e boys too... i am sure they had fun n did a great job for their first friendlies wif PioneeR juniOr collEge...hocKey rock mY school LifE.. hehe...
welll.... and ya.. i tink i am drifting away from e scs.. i mean i have to skip meetings for hockey.. i am sorry but i cant help it.. but still i will go for this saturday's duty k?... hmm...still i heart e scs.. you guys know i do... hmmm... sC rocK my wackY happY worLd....
and oh.. looks like somebody has a crush.. weehehe... tell me ok?.. soon soon i'll get to find out.. hehhe... a promise is a promise k?... ehhee...
peacE Out
LianA kILLed herself at 958pm..
Posted by LiL'shorTY at 5:11 AM
Sunday, January 14, 2007
ME ME ME ANd more of ME!!
me me me And more Of me.. muahahhaa.... well.. lately.. a loy have happened... and hmm.. lets talk abt e first thing first...ORIENTATION 2007 aka DE NOVO @ M.I.... wee... de novo roxs.. the OGLS did a great job.. thankS for evrything u guys.. wee... and of course... E GAMES COMMITEE ROCK EVEN MORE... weehehhee.. thanks for everything ya deebZ shaMni K.S saDdaD huI Ting for evything.. e games totally rocked... wee.. finalE too.. wee.. but stILl phecda'S supernovation paE is still e best.. ehhee.. sorry ya.. my clan larx.. ahhaa... overall... DE NOVO ROCKZ... well.. wohoo... three cheers for all...also met this cute guy from a school in e east.. he is a kid actor in suria.. not telling e name.. (*actually i dont know his name.. ahhaa...) i find him nice.. ahaha.. but dont go thinking wildly... he is a nice young kid... ahhaa.. still too young.. ahhaa...
on the last day of orientation me n a few others (12 of us to be exact) went for a dinner.. we had so much fun.. halfway a few had to leave.. there were only me arfie saifuddin bryan n skq left.. we talk n talkl tru e night butni had to leave at 11 plus.. boo.. but still it was fun talking things out wif em.. hehe.. really fun.. but wadever is discussed ends there.. no more leaking of any form of ideas shared.. cool... hehe.. i am beginning to love scs..ahahaha...
well well... after orientation... school starts.. hmm... well.. at first i donT feel belonged to e class... and also.. i dun feel like studying.. since i had too much of fun at orientation.. i dread my first clas.. but it went on fine... went well.. luckily for me i manage to fit in n be a part of e people whom i dun even know in e first place since they were frm another campus..but.. it was fun.. luckily wif e help of e speed dating game we played during ht i definately get a lot of info abt my class.. hehe.. for me to know n for u to find out.. but.. one sad thing.. i think there still exist class politics.. haix.. i hope it will be abolished soon..hmmm..
and oh.. friday night i went for a bbq at pasir ris to celebrate arfie's bday... hehee... well.. at first i was suppose to meet wif kiat n salleh.. den turn out salleh wanna come late n he wanna leave late... i was discussing wif my mom e possibility of me staying over since salleh wanted ot stay till four.. but decided to go off at 12 in e end cox my granny lah.. hmmm... ya.. so mom picked me up.. thanks to arfie n salleh for sending me out.. ehhee.. i would be lost xia.. hahaha... any how.. i hope u had fun arfie.. i mean.. i sure did have fun see u being tortured.. hehe... anyhows.. u are legal liao.. hehe.. we go watch m18 movie k one day??... heh..
weee.. i guess that is all.. going off liao..
peaCe out
*LiaNa killEd herSelF @ 1025pm..
Posted by LiL'shorTY at 6:07 AM